Wildflowers and Weeds
Wildflowers and Weeds
The first of our winter time gatherings. We will meet at the Cemetery, head up to Prince Alfred Rd and begin cutting the feral acacia downhill and north from there. It's a manageable section, which we can deal with through this winter. It will link up with the feral-free areas towards Gap Road.
Bring pruning saws, and if you are a happy user, your chainsaw.

Sunday 14 April
Where we will meet:
Right hand end of Cemetery car park. Note, not 288 Gap Road.
To find out more:
Ross Colliver, 0411 226 519
Wildflowers and Weeds
Join us for our monthly walk into Barrm Birrm on the edge of Riddells Creek and learn more about this wonderful bushland. With Christmas madness about to descend, this will be our last for the year, and we will see what is happening with the lilies, and witness the flowering of the cassinia, always a treat.

Wednesday 22nd November
5.30 - 7.00 pm
Meet at
288 Gap Road, Riddells Creek
Ross Colliver, 0411 226 519
Orchid Walk
Orchid walk in Barrm Birrm
We are heading into the drier part of the year, but surprisingly, different species of orchid keep flowering through the summer. Join us for a purposeful wander through Barrm Birrm, and learn more about the orchids on this hillside.

Sunday 3rd December
Meet at
288 Gap Road, Riddells Creek
Ross Colliver, 0411 226 519
Healthy Landscapes events organised by the Shire
Ag forum for farmers
Land management information session for new, absentee and small-acreage landholders
Cultural land management session for farmers – Leonard Hill (Daylesford)
Introduction to Natural Sequence Farming Farm Field Day and Discussion Group in Kyneton
Bendigo Farmers Market pop-up stall opportunity
A reinvigorated group Are you keen to understand more about soil carbon?
Farm dam management
Farmers for Climate Action workshop – Bendigo
Sally’s Top Paddock

Many events
Sept to October
Wildflowers and Weeds
Wildflowers and Weeds
Every month we head into Barrm Birrm to see what's in flower, and to do a little weeding in a place that just needs a bit of love to stay in good shape. Join us!

Next visit to Barrm Birrm
Sunday 24th September, 2023
Meet at
9.30 am for two hours
Assemble at
288 Gap Road, look for the Riddells Creek Winery sign
Orchid Survey
Orchid Survey
It's springtime, and the orchids of Barrm Birrm are moving into their most active time. Out last week is this pretty Musky Caladenia, at least that's a first guess, and Andrew Dilley, our guide in all things orchids, will check it out. Join us to find what's coming out, and learn to see the leaves that appear before the flower.

Next Sunday
3rd September
Time to meet
10-12 am
Meet at
288 Gap Road, Riddells Creek
Ross Colliver, ross.colliver@bigpond.com
Clean Up Australia Day is when Riddells Creek Landcare volunteers clean up what the thoughtless drop, and what the bloody-minded drive deep into the bush to get rid of out of sight. It's ugly work, but someone has to do it, and we do it in a beautiful place, in good company.
Come along!

12th March
Start at
10, till 12.
Meet at
Junction of Royal Parade and Gap Road
Queries to
Ross Colliver, 0411 226 519
December Events curated by the Shire
Hit the link below to see details of fabulous events across Macedon Ranges, including Clover Glycine survey (a rare and pretty pea in Bald Hill reserve), a Bird Blitz update, and event to Build Canopy Rope Bridge for possums in Hanging Rock, an up-date on soft plastic recycling, a news item about walks with primary school kids in Daly Nature Reserve, Gisborne, and a Small Property Grazing Course.

Through December
For more information