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Bluebell Creeper - Billardiera heterophylla (Weed)
You'll find this gorgeous native climber at your local garden nursery, but when it gets out and about, it's hard to stop.
Outside the garden, it's a monster.
Bluebell creeper has spread into the northern end of Barrm Birrm, and persists as seed, which will grow out right through the year when the ground is moist. It grows up trees and in the end smothers them, and as will other exotic native (ie not from here) it shades out the grasses.
The saving grace is that it has shallow roots that run out laterally just below the soil surface, so it is easy to pull out when young, loosened perhaps with a hand mattock. Older plants dig in and need to be cut near the base and painted with Roundup.
Getting ready to deal with a big bluebell creeper
The centre of the creeper exposed, ready for cut-and-paint
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