Barrm Birrm
Since 2005, Riddells Creek Landcare has been looking after the bushland called Barrm Birrm, place of many yam roots, at the top of Gap Road. We love this place. It is a place to sense the more-than-human world, to calm down and be invigourated.
Our group has cleaned up the rubbish, pulled out the weeds, recorded the plants and urged the Shire to do more to protect this rare piece of bush. Now Macedon Ranges Shire has committed to buy back Barrm Birrm.
In this website, Plants and Animals and Places to Walk are good starting points to learn more about the land itself. Right here is where we update you on what we are doing to protect Barrm Birrm.
But we want to know about you. What do you know about Barrm Birrm? What are you looking for in a bushland place close to town? Or if you’re already a Barrm Birrm regular, what does Barrm Birrm do for you? If you haven’t already take a moment to complete our survey - we hope you can visit Barrm Birrm soon!